Strengthening Data-informed and Migrant-centred Migration Management Frameworks in India

With support from the IOM Development Fund, IOM India’s project “Strengthening Data-informed and Migrant-centred Migration Management Frameworks in India” was implemented between 1 January 2021 and 30 June 2023. The project was implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), the India Centre for Migration (ICM - now ICWA) and the Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC). The project aimed to contribute to improving access to labour migration opportunities for aspiring Indian migrants through strengthened migration management frameworks, through the following:

  1. Improved migration data in the country and equipping the Government of India with a comprehensive and gender-sensitive Migration Data Management Strategy (MDMS).
  2. Improved access to labour migration opportunities for aspiring Indian migrants.

IOM India worked diligently towards the goal of promoting safe, orderly and regular migration within emerging labour markets in Europe for aspiring Indian migrants, through strengthened migration management frameworks.

Through the project, IOM supported the Government of India in developing a comprehensive, gender-sensitive national migration data strategy. The strategy not only seeks to improve the collection of migration data but also aims to expand the scope and potential of analysing and utilizing migration data for good migration governance, effective management and preparedness and socioeconomic development.

In conducting research on emerging labour markets, IOM produced actionable insights through three country-specific (Poland, Spain and Finland) and one sector-specific case study. By convening multiple migration policy dialogues (bilateral seminars and sectoral consultations) with key government and non-government stakeholders, IOM aimed to create an enabling environment for safe, orderly, and regular migration and mobility within emerging labour markets.